- A distinct architectural design: a seamless fusion of aesthetics, functionality and technology
- Conceptualized as two similar blocks of varying height, facing each other
- Each set of floors interconnected by two common lobbies
- Block 1: Ground floor plus 6 floors
- Block 2: Ground floor plus 4 floors
- Floor Plate: approximately 3,438 Sq.m.
- Two entry and two exit points
- 45,539 Sq.m. of air-conditioned space
- Basement designed in two levels to facilitate parking for 595 cars
- Open car park for 40 cars
- Centralized air conditioning with floor wise AHUs
- Quality power with DG back up
- 11kV feeder with redundancy
- Centralized fire protection with smoke detectors and sprinklers for the common areas
- Fully wired with OFC backbone to each floor for seamless voice and data communication
- Security access control at the podium and basement
- Proximity to STPL each station, with ample bandwidth
- 8 passenger elevators and 2 service lifts
- Sewerage treatment plant
- Column-free space(10m x 11m grid) providing flexibility in fitouts
- Ceiling to floor height of 3.75 m
- Glazed walls
- Combination of multiple modules to create larger office area
- Central atrium acts as a light well, providing illumination and ample ventilation
- 24-hour Cafeteria/Restaurant
- Shopping center
- ATMs
- Open Air Amphitheatre
- Landscaping and water Bodies